HOW To Flow With Modified Ashwa Shanchalasana
by Ketut Yoga
Ashwa Sanchalanasana, also popularly known as The Equestrian pose, is the yoga pose of a sequence of Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation).
Ashwa Sanchalanasana name comes from 3 different Sanskrit words: Ashwa means Horse, Sanchalana meaning Movement, and Asana which means Pose.
Ashwa Sanchalanasana is known to increase the confidence, willpower, and determination of the people. It benefits your lower back muscles, hamstrings, knees, and psoas.
It is known to have so many health benefits:
Strengthens your spine
Increases the flexibility of your back
This leads to better functioning of the liver
Improves your digestion
Strengthens your knees and ankles
Massages and tones your kidneys
Stimulates abdominal organs of the body
Helpful for patients of Sciatica
Stretches your back muscles, quadriceps, legs, and hips
Helps those suffering from constipation
STEP 1 | Downward Dog
Rise your buttocks high and ground through the arms and legs. Gently pull your tail bone up, then drop the weight of your head and chest down. Extend your spine. This pose is very beneficial for warming the back and toning the spinal nerve.
STEP 2 | Ashwa Sanchalasana
From the downward dog, step one leg forward between your hands. Gently push your weight forward and look up high. Feel a stretch from your throat to your groin and upper thigh muscle. This pose is perfect for hip opening, energizing the lower abdomen, and your sex organs.
STEP 3 | Anjanyasana
When you feel steady on Ashwa Sanchalasana, or low lunge, explore your spine flexibility. Raise your arms then arch your back. This pose stimulates the spine, all the way to your head.
STEP 4 | Ashwa Sanchalasana Modification
From Anjanyasana, drop one hand to the floor and the other hand to your knee. Gently push your knee away from your body, while keeping your weight pushed forward. This pose offers extra work to the inner thigh muscle and hip flexor.
STEP 5 | Ashwa Shanchalasana Modification
From the first modification of aswa shanchalasana, you may explore more. Bend your knee and hold the back of your foot. At the same time, push your weight forward and push your foot back. This pose stimulates the groin, legs, chest, and arms.
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