It’s been a lot going on in the past year, I know. We’ve had to adapt to new circumstances and learn how to make changes, some wanted and some unwanted. Many of us have been spending the past year in one place perhaps, and that can affect us differently, for sure.
If we are used to traveling a lot, wanderlust might hit us hard, and if we have been confined to our homes for a long time, we might be climbing the walls or making the best of our secluded sanctuary. But instead of constantly looking outward and reaching for the horizon, we had to adapt to look right where we stand, what’s within us, and by doing so, we begin to find joy in the little things.
We, as humans, are highly adaptable beings. Yeah, it might be challenging sometimes to find the groove when changes are forced upon us, especially when our stability is shaken. So this is a beautiful opportunity to slow down or come to a full stop to enjoy what is right here around us.
There is immense beauty in simplicity. For example, instead of making a list of all the things, you plan to do today to keep yourself busy, make a list that has one thing only. Be it doing the dishes, or buying flowers, or organizing your closet in tone theme, or watching the Lord of The Rings Trilogy (Extended Edition)! When we simplify one thing, it usually permeates other things we do, and it helps us to lean back into being more instead of doing more, and that could help us to soften mentally.
Another thing when it comes to simplicity is that it helps to declutter, both internally and externally. A focused mind and intention go a long way, it gives us more energy, and it carries a sense of accomplishment even with the smallest thing. Maybe your one thing on the list today was just getting out of bed, so truly celebrate that!
And when it comes to your yoga or movement practice, try to simplify everything, maybe it’s just one or a few shapes or movements, or maybe it’s just one pose.
In the hustle and bustle of a busy life, we might focus on going from point A to point B, and forget the wonderful journey in-between. What if we change the idea of a linear path into something more free and fluid? It could be a different path to work, or change the scenery and enjoy that it is new and refreshing. Perhaps having a moment in nature just observing people passing you by, or watching birds or the colors of the trees.
So that instead of knowing our path all the time and stepping into patterns, that we instead step out of them and pause for a while, take a breath, and have a look around like a curious child.
It’s in these moments in our practice that makes the biggest impact too. The softness of our breath, the droplet of sweat on your brow, the depth of awareness of your body in each shape.
Getting creative is a great way to tune in with ourselves, it can take us on an internal journey of discovery, and at the very least, time flies by when we are in the zone!
“But I am not a creative person!” you say. Trust me, we all are creative somehow! And it’s not like some people have it and others don’t. Creativity flows through all of us, much like love does!
And creativity is all about trying new things. Write a story, even if it’s not gonna become a Netflix show. Paint something, even if you will hide it in your closet forever. Take a pottery class - what a cliché, huh? Well, it works! And if you are bored at home, why not build a fort in the middle of the living room and put on some face paint made of beetroot.
And how creative can you get in your yoga practice? Do something unexpected, try things out, break the patterns, reshape the mold, make it yours!
What I am saying is that the creative possibilities are endless! At the very least, if it brings you a smile, you did it well.
This might be the hardest of them all, but definitely the most rewarding. If you have a meditation practice, that is a good way to dive deep into your thoughts and emotions on the spot. If you don’t, then doing it in a simple way right here. Sit comfortably in your favorite spot in your home, no TV, no phone, no music, and if you have a spouse or kids, go out in nature for a bit, and then let yourself melt into your body, and let your breath move like a wave upon the shore.
Close your eyes for a few moments, and just listen. It sounds simple, yet not easy. But when we befriend stillness, we befriend some wonderful parts of ourselves that don’t get that much attention otherwise. The more you listen to the inner workings of yourself, the more you can feel them, cherish them, love them. There is tremendous joy in stillness. So, joy is found inside of you, no matter how it feels, it never leaves you! Now, go and enjoy yourself being joy-full, and see what happens!
Thank you for reading,
About the Author
Chris Fox is a mobility specialist and movement coach focusing on joint health, body awareness, and how to reduce pain with active bodywork. With the Fox Method, he helps people to get a stronger connection to their body, by isolating joint awareness, activating body control, and integrating healthier movement habits.
If you want to work on your mobility and stability, increase more body awareness and reduce pain to feel more light and alive, you can contact Chris for a session:
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