How Singing in Devotion Leads us Back into an Embodied & Authentic Voice
When I think of devotion the first image that comes to mind is my mom. As a kid, I would sometimes wake up in the middle of the night & find her softly whispering her prayers on the couch sitting in the dark. This was her time to connect with her God.
As an adult, my spiritual path differs from my mom but that sense of faith & a personal connection to grace lives inside. As a practice, devotion creates a sanctuary where we can come to know, love, & express ourselves fully. To sing in devotion is its own alchemy. A place where voice, body, & truth converge in resonance.
Embodiment is the ability & permission to be in our bodies with the sensations & emotions that arise. The idea of embodiment is simple however its practice can be more complex. Through our lives, we collect lessons & traumas that often unconsciously prevent us from experiencing or allowing our inner state. Perhaps we learned that vulnerability is weakness, or that anger is ‘unbecoming’ or even ‘unsafe.’
Devotion is similar to unconditional positive regard a therapeutic technique developed by humanistic psychologist Carl Rogers. The premise of this technique is that the therapist honors a patient’s intrinsic value & offers unconditional acceptance regardless of their state, behavior, or circumstance. This does not mean they condone poor behavior but that regardless of this behavior the patient is still accepted & valued. Through this relationship, the patient learns to love & accept themself.
When we sing in devotion we are building a sanctuary between this tumultuous human experience & unconditional love. Here every aspect of our experience is allowed to be ~ our confusion, our anger, our joy, even our sense of numbness ~ all have a place to be witnessed without judgment.
When I think of my mom in those evening prayers I see a friendship. A relationship where she could share & speak to that which always listened & always loved.
The challenge for many is that their connection to God or a greater power has become tainted by dogma or hypocrisy. The transcendence of this exists when we realize that our relationship to God or a higher power is ours to define & explore. Perhaps the definition of God you were given as a child is outdated or ineffective. However, I trust that you have experienced grace in your life, been moved by sunrise, or touched deeply the hug of a child.
Devotion is like an arrow pointing us towards this grace. Whether you connect with God as a deity, feel a connection to nature, or just sense the essence of love & gratitude it is all perfect. Simply put devotion is a relationship with that which is unconditionally loving, kind, steady, & safe. For purposes of this blog, I will call it ‘grace’.
Devotion is a dialogue with grace & as such carries two elements ~ expressing our truth & listening to its reception.
Singing in devotion is unlike performance. It’s not about sounding ‘pretty’ or hitting the right notes. Instead, devotional singing is about allowing our whole body to offer its truth through sound & song while simultaneously feeling & listening to the experience. Here, there is no need to rush or get it all out. The silence & space between notes has a purpose ~ allowing grace to weave its way through this sacred dialogue. Even as we cringe a little with an off note, or pull back with a very raw expression... grace listens & holds us in acceptance.
In this space, we learn to offer our truth & build bridges between our experience & ability to vocalize. In listening, we uncover our layers & allow ourselves to be held in both silence & vibration. This all occurs while the unique medicine of singing itself helps to regulate our nervous system.
When I write about an authentic voice what I mean is the ability to express ourselves from a state of honesty & listening. In devotional singing, we inevitably discover voices that live within us ~ those of hurt, grief, gratitude, innocence, embarrassment, & any number of human experiences. Within the sanctuary of devotion, we tend to these voices, befriend them, & come to understand the depths of what they are saying. At the same time, we build our ability to express them.
These connections become part of our life. Little by little we become more able to say what we need to say & to listen when we need to listen. In time the practice of devotion weaves itself not only between the notes & sounds we make but into our work, our relationships, & the voice we use every day.
And this is why we sing.
About the Author:
Amy Thiessen is a coach, writer, & musician who focuses on helping women connect to their confidence, purpose, & self-esteem through voice & communication. Offering a holistic approach Amy helps individuals uncover & overcome their unique blocks around voice & communication, connect to their self-esteem & purpose, & ultimately express themselves in a way that is empowered & impactful.
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