Full Moon in Virgo | Saturday, February 27 | 4.19pm (Bali time)
Happy Full Moon my dears and welcome to Pisces season (February 18th to March 20th).
Pisces are the last sign of the zodiac wheel. In western astrology, this marks the completion of yet another cycle. The astrological new year is in sight and this Full Moon in Virgo is the last full moon of the current astrological year. Yes, I'm telling you ‘you will get another new year’ and there is more to come on this topic. But before we plunge into this new chapter ahead, let's bundle our attention where we are now.
This Full Moon radiates the headline “BE OF SERVICE” into our consciousness.
All earth elements deal with earthly matters, meaning ‘How can we focus on our human experience right here, right now?’. Opening our eyes to the magnificent interconnected cycles of nature, we notice that a Virgo full moon falls under the sun season of Pisces, who is Virgos counterpart and who adds dreaminess, mysticism, and water to it all. As always, you wanna mind your very own balance. When your ground is too watery it becomes muddy and fails its cause as a foundation. When there is too little water, the earth becomes dry and barren.
Whenever we speak of astrological archetypes, it is crucial to mention that they do not only apply to people born with their sun- or moon- or rising sign in this sign. We all carry the twelve signs within us to some degree. The intensity of their energy varies and they will show up in different areas of your life as we all have a wonderfully unique blueprint.
Virgo is the sign of devotion and being of service.
She is structured and incredibly detail-oriented, a great observer, and quick to examine. In the zodiac wheel, she comes up after Leo that teaches us to lead from our hearts (read more about it in my article of the last full moon). Now it's time to put this into action and be of service through it. When we dare and put our heart-felt offerings out for the world to be nurtured by, often our inner critic appears with many masks.
It is not a surprise that we experience a tendency of perfectionism in times with many Virgo qualities. If you did, or if you are about to do your YOGA TEACHER TRAINING with us at Radiantly Alive, you most likely read "the gifts of imperfections" by Brene Brown. Go back to this read and let it become your manual for the Full moon in Virgo.
Additionally, I wanna bring Rob Brezsny's definition of "Imperfectionists" to your awareness:
"They understand that a ferocious drive for utter purity can make things sterile and ugly. They resolve to cultivate excellence while at the same time they understand that irregularities and eccentricities may infuse their work with beauty."
-My heart hums every time I read these lines.
Every full moon has the underlying theme of ‘LET GO’
With this one being the last one of the astrological year, I believe it would be of value if you could give yourself some extra moments to shed what no longer serves you!
Here are some journaling prompts that might guide you in finding what you wanna let go of under this beaming full moon, charged by the wonderful qualities of Virgo:
How can you be of service to your community?
What belief-patterns and thoughts do not serve you while you serve others?
If you dare to notice when your inner perfectionist surfaces, what would help you in the very moment to tenderly educate it about the wonderful way of being an imperfectionist?
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