Radiantly Alive Yoga

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What is Your Money Story?

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Money. A subject that comes with many different stories for all of us. We love it. We hate it. We chase it. We never have enough. We’re rolling in it and feel guilty. Some associate it with wealth. Some with power. Others with positive circulation. Some say it’s the root of all evil. Others say it’s just energy. Money is highly gossiped about everyday both silently and verbally. So, what is your relationship to money, or rather what is your story?

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Money is a currency, resource, energy, something we use to trade goods and services. 

Money is a loving energy, which serves as an instrument for change. 

Money is the biggest stress in life, which needs to be efficiently managed.

Money is a vehicle for greed and creates inequality. 

Money is a tool that allows people to live rich and fulfilled lives.

Money is… I would say, all of the above. And I would also say, all of the above is a story. Whatever we say money is, it can be. 

Let’s start with the facts. Money is energy. It gifts us the ability to pay for food, a roof over our heads, clothes, education and anything else that we wish for. Yet because of the vast imbalance of monetary wealth on the planet and uneven distribution, it can leave a bitter taste in our mouths. Because everyone should have enough, but the fact that there are people going hungry, while some are bathing in a $20,000 tub of rose petals, and this interesting contrast pains some of us. However, we cannot simultaneously hate and berate money, whilst also wanting to call more of it in so we can use it to make a difference. 1) Because that is conflicting energy and 2) We need to eat! We need our basic needs met. And if we can’t help ourselves, then we can’t help anybody else.

Money is a powerful tool, and in hands that are connected to the heart, can do much good in the world changing the game for the greater good. We need those who care about our Earth and our people, to participate in upgrading our money story, so that it can flow freely.

So, first and foremost, our story around money and our understanding of abundance has to change. We have the power to distribute resources in ways that appreciate that all lives have equal value, but we have to also appreciate money’s role and use it to assist us to make the positive change.

You see, we’ve all been raised with a different money story, and most of us were not raised with one that was positive or rewarding. It could be you were raised with sayings like ‘money doesn’t grow on trees’, or ‘the rich get richer, while the poor get poorer’, or ‘you need to work hard for your money’, you may have grown up in a house where money was used as a bribe, or you may have had a lot of money in the family, but a lack of love and so on.

These stories that have been subconsciously programmed into us, affect the way we interact with the whole of life. So we can see that it is of utmost importance to drop these stories or rewrite them, for the sake of not only ourselves, but the world.

To change our money story once and for all, our relationship with money has to change. One of the quickest (and most fun) ways to do this, is to write a love letter to money. You don’t have to show this to anyone, this is an opportunity to be real, raw and honest with money and your own view about it. For this exercise you will need two pieces of paper - on the first sheet you are going to speak to money openly and honestly, using the following prompts. 

Set aside 15 minutes of quiet time, grab a pen and paper and write…

  • Write down how you feel about money, how have you treated it, what you thought was true (based on your childhood programming), what you’re sorry for, and how you want your relationship to change.

  • Tell money what you want to do with it. Why you would like more (if you do), and how you want it to show up in your life.

  • Be HONEST with money. Talk to it like a friend. If you’re mad with it or afraid of it - don’t filter, let it all out.

This exercise is a recognition of where you are at, giving the opportunity to release old stagnant energy that is not serving your relationship with money. Next we want to initiate a new relationship with money :)

You have to tell the story how you want it to go
— Abraham-Hicks.

On your next fresh piece of paper or in your journal, write out ‘Thank You’s’ to money. This is part 2 of your love letter, sharing your new intention and describing the relationship you would like to have and believe that you can. 

Start the next part of your love letter with appreciation. Thank money for all the ways it is already showing up in our life. Get grateful for everything it allows you to do, have hot water, wifi, buy yourself fancy lattes or organic fruit and veg, attend yoga classes etc.

Here are some additional prompts to help. 

Thank you money for…

  • Showing up in my life so I can experience… Example: Thank you money for allowing me to live the life I live. I’m so grateful that I can eat all the healthy food that I do, to attend courses, travel to different countries and explore the world, fund activities that light me up, provide me with the tools to give to others and create stuff that contributes in a beneficial way. I am also incredibly appreciative that I have wifi so I can stay in touch with my beautiful friends and family all over the earth at the click of a button - amazing!

  • For providing / being a tool I can use / allowing me to… What does money allow you to give, create, share? Example: Thank you for providing me with all the resources, opportunities and financial abundance I need to create the most appropriate impact on the lives of myself, my family and those that I serve

  • When I look at my bank account I feel… Example: When I look at my bank account I feel immense gratitude for the figures in there that allow me to do all that you do. You are a great friend and I feel so much joy working with you.

You can re-read this delicious love letter to money as often as you need, as a reminder of your gratitude for all you do have and all you are welcoming in, from your new, clear perspective!

Are you ready to write your new money story?

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