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Detox, Diets, Juice Cleanse, Fasting – Why Do We Need Any Of These?

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There seems to be an infinite number of different possibilities when it comes to detoxification and the information you can find about it seems to be an impenetrable jungle. Everyone seems to know best and one trend follows the next.

The main reason for many people to do such a ‚cure‘ is often the desire to lose weight. However, there is a much higher purpose behind a proper detox program.

I’d like to invite you to create your own picture because no one knows the language of your body and its true needs better than you.

Our body is a true miracle, always striving to maintain a healthy balance. It absorbs, rebuilds, repairs, and renews constantly. Its internal processes are perfectly coordinated, as long as we don't interfere with them.

All normal construction work produces waste, right? That's also the case in our bodies. Every single cell leaves behind metabolic residues. In addition, there is a waste of bacteria, viruses, and other troublemakers, that have been killed by our immune system. This is also taken care of because we have a sophisticated internal waste disposal system. 

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Besides our blood circulation, the lymphatic system is very crucial for our health. Through this, waste and toxins are transported from the cells to the kidneys. Also, important nutrients are transported to the cells.

We also detoxify through our liver, the digestive system, our lungs, and skin. Women have a little bonus because they also detoxify through their period. Sounds like a lot, right?

So far so good, but it’s not enough to talk about internal waste only.

Unfortunately, our planet has never been as polluted and poisoned as today.

In addition to the waste produced by the body itself, we also absorb various polluting and toxic substances from the environment, like:

  • Pesticides, herbicides and fungicides in agriculture, 

  • Genetically modified food and food treated with chemicals, 

  • Heavy metals from industry which we take in through our breath, skin and food, 

  • Chemicals in furniture and paints, 

  • Mold toxins in our home and food, 

  • Polluted and destructured drinking water, 

  • Toxins and heavy metals through medications and vaccinations, 

  • STRESS, 

… to name just a few. 

Our body acts like a sponge and absorbs everything it comes into contact with through the outside world. You are a natural product and are always in exchange with your environment.

So why is this a problem now? The body has its own detoxification system, right?

Since we are exposed to much more pollution today than our ancestors were, our internal waste disposal system is simply overloaded. It is not designed to handle this amount of waste and any additional load is detrimental to our health.

The body needs vitamins and minerals to package and eliminate waste. If we don’t supply it with sufficient amounts of these nutrients, the body dissolves them from bones and tissues to clean up. If that's not enough either, the body stashes the toxic substances in fatty tissue so it can take care of them sometime later.

So over time, the body becomes a garbage dump, clogging up all the major roads leading to our cells. Waste is poorly removed and at the same time important nutrients no longer reach the cells. This vicious circle is the basis for physical and psychological complaints, up to serious diseases.

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The acid-base balance describes all mechanisms that regulate the relationship between acids and bases in the body. If this becomes unbalanced and shifts in the acidic direction, it leads to an acid-base disorder (acidosis).

The so-called “pH scale” is an indicator for the acid-base balance and ranges from 0 to 14. A pH of 7 is neutral, so when the pH level is lower than 6.5, the body is considered acidic and when the pH level is higher than 7.5, the body is considered alkaline.

Unfortunately, our current lifestyle automatically leads to an unfavorable shift in the acidic direction. This is the basis of all diseases.

The most important task of the body is to keep our blood clean. Each organ of our body has a different pH (for example the most acidic organ is the stomach, the small intestine is more alkaline) whereby the blood is always slightly alkaline and lies at a pH of 7.34. The smallest deviation of the blood pH value can mean death.

If the acids in the body increase and the body cannot transform and remove them with critical nutrients (minerals and vitamins), the tissue consequently becomes more and more acidic. Based on countless studies, we now know that bacteria, viruses, and pathogenic germs can only grow in an acidic environment. Even cancer cells are known to thrive only in an acidic environment.

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Whenever you're not living on an untouched part of the planet and consuming only fresh spring water and wild-grown foods. Since these living conditions apply to a very few people only, pretty much everyone is a suitable candidate for a real detox program.

But especially if you eat a lot of animal products, consume coffee, alcohol or cigarettes, take medications, eat a lot of processed food, live in a city, are exposed to a lot of stress, eat little organic food, have amalgam dental fillings, are overweight - just to name a few severe troublemakers.

Toxins are also passed on to our babies through our genes, as well as through the mother's umbilical cord. This makes detoxification all the more important if you are planning to have a family as well.

A real holistic detoxification program always takes into account your current condition, your current, and past stresses, and the personal goal you want to achieve. It’s these factors that the scope and time period of your detox will depend on to achieve the best result.

Interested in learning more? Let us know in the comments below. 🙌🏾👇🏾

About the Author:

Dominika is a Life & Health Coach, focussing on helping others to “rewild” their body, mind and soul. In her unique approach of personal rewilding, she uses different ways to reconnect people with their very own truth and wisdom. She also specialises in cleansing and detoxifying the body, supporting each individual’s needs in the best possible way.

You want to start your very own rewilding process, forging your own path in life? To book a free consultation, contact her now: hello@dominika-vodicka.com

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