Inner Seasons - Finding Balance in our Natural Cycles
Inner Seasons
Mellow, cozy, winter felts.
Flourishing seeds, the snow melts.
Oh bloom with beauty, the sun shines.
Love, harvest for the creative times.
- by Pauline Goossens
We are nature and nature is us. Look at the nature that surrounds you. It only has a few important goals: to get as much nutrition as possible from the soil and to get just the right amount of sun to photosynthesize into energy in order to produce the most beautiful, strong, & healthy offspring to bring into the world.
Have we forgotten about that? Let’s connect back to our inner nature by understanding our hormone cycle, the way that our systems are programmed…
Men have a 24-hour hormone cycle in tune with the Sun. They have higher testosterone in the morning, which declines throughout the day and regenerates with full sleep especially between 4-6 am.
Collaboratively, women are in tune with the Moon’s 29-day cycle with four distinct phases or ‘seasons’. Just by this simple fact alone, we can clearly see why women have different mindsets, intentions, and why their bodies change throughout every month. This constant change is what calls for different nutrients, exercises, and decisions to balance our hormones for each phase of our monthly inner cycle.
Hormones Are The Messengers Between The Mind & The Body
Hormones are the messengers between the mind and the body, constantly signaling to us what’s best for our reproduction. If our two top tier hormones (cortisol/stress & insulin/blood sugar) are off, they will show up through issues with our skin, digestive system, erratic mood swings or other unnatural Pre-Menstrual Symptoms. Women were not born to be in pain. Listen to your body.
We live in a society where we are told to work harder, buy this next fast fashion (produced in synthetic material aka hormone disruptor), take this pill and that pill, and eat fast food. All of these things cause stress and harm our bodies, and we unknowingly continue to live our lives in pain and fear because society told us it’s normal to have PMS.
We have the right to know how their mind and bodies function:
Women have two dominating female hormones during their reproductive years:
Estrogen: extroverted, active hormone
Progesterone: introverted, sedating hormone
The cycle begins with Menstruation, her inner Winter, when estrogen & progesterone hormones and energy are lowest as she sheds her life-force blood.
Once she’s done bleeding, she’s in her inner Spring, the Follicular Phase. Estrogen rises which makes her more social, smarter, stronger and speak more clearly.
About two weeks after bleeding is when she’s in Ovulation, her inner Summer. This is when estrogen and testosterone peak, giving her extra confidence, beauty, and communication.
Right after ovulating, she’s in the Luteal Phase, her inner Autumn. The dominating hormone progesterone raises creativity, intuition and calming energy. Her hormones think and hope she’s pregnant, so stress levels naturally go higher to protect the potential baby by raising awareness and sensitivity.
Our Hormone Cycle Writes Out Our Path
Our hormone cycle writes out our path, telling us what to eat and when, how to think and react. Basically, it supports us in everything to have the biggest and best chance at being the healthiest, strongest, most beautiful versions of ourselves to reproduce the same outcome. How cool is that?
Here come some suggestions in terms of food and movement, to support you emotionally and physically during your cycle:
1. Winter • Menstruation: Eat warm, cozy, and nourishing foods, and practice yin yoga supporting you to restore your energy.
2. Spring • Follicular: Eat lightly sautéed foods with omega 3s and fermented foods, practice strong vinyasa. This is a phase to grow and plan ahead.
3. Summer • Ovulation: Eat light liver-supporting vegetables and phytoestrogens, practice strong and grounding vinyasa. In this phase, you tend to speak your voice loud and clear to be seen and present.
4. Autumn • Luteal: Eat cooked vegetables, healthy fats & slow-burning carbs. Practice gentle embodied flow yoga with twists. This is the phase to listen to your intuition, practice higher awareness, and be creative.
Embrace your cycle and let it open up new opportunities to balance your whole being in each phase.
About the author:
Pauline Goossens is a Hormone Cycle Specialist & Coach who focuses on balancing hormones through nutrition, mindset, intention, and movement.
She is the founder of OmCycle Yoga, yoga for the Ovulation-Menstruation cycle to balance hormones.
If you’d like to get rid of PMS, improve your gut health, optimize fertility, stabilize your mood, release stress, and balance your hormones to balance your life, please reach out to Pauline for a private session:
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