Radiantly Alive Yoga

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New Moon in Leo | Sunday, August 8 | 9.50 pm | Bali Time

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"May this be the season
you keep creating.
Even in uncertainty.
Even in your waiting.
There is a fire in your soul
that is burning every day.
You are learning so much here.
You have something to say.


Happy new moon and happy Leo season!🌚

Show up for your hearts' longing. Step step. Create a profound connection to your most authentic, inner self and reveal it to the world with the courage & pride of a lion.

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Two weeks ago we celebrated a vibrant full moon in Aquarius and another Full moon in Aquarius will occur two weeks from now. Today sun and moon meet in Leo, giving us a new moon that will teach us to roar when it comes to our hearts' most dear desires! I wanna start off with a book recommendation this time. One that shook my own heart awake. One that captures this time we are so wonderfully in its language and characters. So if you want to dive into this particular new moon’s energy beyond this article, go to your local book store and get “the book of longings” by Sue Monk Kidd

"Live from your heart" -Sounds simple but practically thinking about the situations where life gets bumpy, it’s most likely not always the case. I think we came here to be messy, wild, and brave. We were gifted with this human life, to be fully human and not as we always aspire to be… God-like, without flaws, shiny and shimmery from all angles. However, as humans, we are full of contradictions and duality. We have both, a giant sun and a magnificent moon living inside of us, pulling on each other’s edges and filling us with those dazzling fragments that make us so wondrous. But if we dare to open ourselves to exactly those dualities, we might take a step closer to the concept of living from our hearts. We become aware that the life we create is one of many decisions, both conscious and unconscious. This time around, I dare you to make brave decisions, to show up as the wholehearted human you want to be (Leo-learning). This is the only way we can free the world we live in from the ties that hold us in the unknown (Aquarius-learning).

And while we walk this earth, holding both the drum of creation and the flame of destruction, like Shiva, the cosmic dancer does, we are wise to cultivate this power

burn off in eighter. With this time, teaching us about how to show up for yourselves, I have found that two main qualities set a good base for my own attempt at wholehearted humanness. I am not talking about some aspirational qualities. This is something we all get to practice in the moments given, during every human interaction, during a yoga class, while teaching a yoga class, as we are shopping for groceries and washing colts, speaking our truth and showing up for our values, in every possible way that our messy minds allow us to notice. These two qualities are my suggestion to every Leo and everyone who immerses into this time.

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Be an integrity within yourself. From the inside out -not from the outside in. Nothing external will ever make you feel more/less _____________(insert whatever you're apparently missing /be aware ->sarcasm! You are not flawed in any way, my dear). Instead, root yourself deeply within before even approaching the outside world. Every day. Remember your values, let them take root within you while you put them into action and they will grow to be your solid foundation from which you will arise. Stand your ground. Know your boundaries. Show up for yourself, loving and fierce -equally and no earthquake will disrupt you so easily. 

Be so very humble in everything you do. 

Humility is translated as "the quality of having a modest or low view of one's importance". To me, that's merely capturing the surface. Deep down this is about recognizing the essence of any existence and looking into the face of creation with no judgment whatsoever. When you see the core of everything, all life becomes a celebration, every step becomes a prayer. And you. It's like the 40th breath in a yin posture when finally, everything releases and pure ease radiates from your inside out. I understand humility as a continuous offering to the beauty, love, and grace of everything that exists.

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What situation has this new moon brought forth where you are called to put your heart out on the spot? 

What situation has this new moon brought forth where you are called to practice being an integrity as well as being humble? 

What situation has this new moon brought forth where you are called to become the conscious creator of your reality? 

Show up for your hearts' longing. Step step 

Create a profound connection to your most authentic, inner self and reveal it to the world with the courage & pride of a lion.

I hope you feel bright as sunlight, wonderfully empty as the moon, and safe within the messy contradictions of your own human experience.

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