The Guardians of the Moon
March is a month dedicated to the guardians of the moon, the women.
Since we set our eyes on the sky we understood that our cycles are similar to those of our celestial sister, the moon. We discovered its manifesting power and creativity that it offers to us.
The Moon, due to its cyclical nature, evolves every night. Like us, it is always present, but it is never the same. All women, we speak the lunar language, but we have forgotten that we know its wisdom. When we connect with the lunar cycles we can become aware of the impermanence in our lives. The Moon nourishes us and gives us security, it tells us that we have an internal world that we have to take care of with love.
We have a menstrual cycle of approximately twenty-eight days that goes at the same time with the lunar revolution called “synodic period”. As women, we live this cycle every month as: period, post period phase, ovulation and premenstrual phase period.
It is important to connect with these changes to get to know ourselves better and understand our cyclical states.
Today I would like to share with you how the phases of our cycle are related to the phases of the moon:
New Moon – Interiority
The phase of the Guardian of the night. When our period starts. During this period, it is important to take care of our inner world, learn to slow down, rest, and embrace our sensitivity. This phase represents the winter and the earth element.
First Quarter – Strength
The phase of the Guardian of the dawn. It is the preovulatory phase. When the feminine energy grows. This phase represents the spring and the air element. It is a perfect time to make decisions and concrete actions.
Full Moon – Radiance
The phase of the Guardian of the zenith. The ovulation period, a moment of great power and strength. This phase represents the summer and the fire element. It is a moment when we feel more proactive and creative.
Third Quarter – Intuitive
The phase of the Guardian of the twilight. It is the premenstrual phase. A moment to connect with our intuition. This phase represents the autumn and the water element. It is a period to take care of our body and emotions.
Now that you know these 4 phases, take advantage of the lunar cycles to connect with your inner rhythm. If you reappropriate your feminine cycle, you will reconnect with the movement of life.
I recommend some energetic techniques that can help you in this process of reappropriation: Reiki, Shiatsu, Kundalini, or Yin Yoga.
This month I invite you to connect with the moon. Learn to listen to your needs and follow your intuition.
Remember: You have to take care of yourself before you can take care of others.
Take advantage of this new Moon in Pisces to connect with your intuition and awaken that lunar guardian within you.
Happy International Women’s Day!
With Love
Mai Martinez
About the author
Mai Martínez León Valdez is an Angel Therapy Coach, that helps you to connect with your angels and recognize their guidance. She loves to interpret the universe through astrology, reading Natal Charts, and Solar Returns. She is a Meditation Teacher and Certified Rainbow Kids Yoga Teacher. Mai is a bhakta practitioner that loves to guide you through meditation, sound healing, and mantras, to help you to discover your most powerful gift, your voice.
Please reach out to her ( if you feel the call to have a 1-on-1 session with her, either live in person in Bali or online.
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