Radiantly Alive Yoga

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New Moon In Libra | 26th September

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Los Angeles: 25 Sep 14:54

New York: 25 Sep 17:54

London: 25 Sep 22:54

Sydney: 26 Sep 07:54

Keyword: Balance

I feel the wind on my skin,

Radiantly alive!

If I stand on one foot with my eyes closed,

Can I balance?

My trick is, I breathe, mindfully;

Inhale and exhale to my own rhythm,

At my own pace.

Around me, the wind blows:

Left, right, warm, cold all at the same time;

Carrying sounds, shouts, music, voices, complaints, laughter.

Through it all I find my balance. And breeeathe…

On September 26th, we will have our annual New Moon in Libra. New moons are a time of seeding new energy, to see what grows, and experiment with what we want to tend. The moon and sun are aligned in their energies, powerful together. In Libra this is a fortnight to rebalance ourselves. When the sun enters Libra is a very important time of the year, the autumn equinox.

Libra, Cardinal Air, is represented by a set of scales, and unusually amongst all the signs of the zodiac, includes no living things - no people, no animals. This is because balance means justice, so must be fair regardless of who or what is involved. The Sun in Libra wants to act, with others, to rebalance the scales in a calm, elegant way. The Moon in Libra feels comfortable finding a middle ground in social interactions. When Libra is at their best, they are supportive and a great partner. They do easily spot what is out of balance so they have to be mindful not to be too critical but be diplomatic. Yet they must make a decision and not sit on the fence or worry too much about what people might think of them.

And what does the sky advise this Libra new moon of 2022? The time is about rebalancing, in a diplomatic way, to make a decision and move forward. We might feel critical yet modest inside but at the same time feel an urge to overdo things outside. We remind ourselves to keep our thoughts and words rational. Next week there is time to review and adjust if needed. This is important because next week also sees the final climax of that tension building since last year, of material changes rocking a big investment we’ve made.

This new moon we prepare by being authentic and fair with ourselves about what we really want to attract and manifest. We must begin with recognising that joy and luck come from making a decision and taking action, based on love within ourselves just as we are, radiantly alive.

Sabian Symbol Libra 3: The dawn of a new day, everything changed

Pranayama yoga: Breathwork

“You cannot be fair to others without first being fair to yourself”

― Vera Nazarian, The Perpetual Calendar of Inspiration

Instagram: @astrofly_insights

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