New Moon in Aries | March 22
Los Angeles: 21 Mar 10:22
New York: 21 Mar 13:22
London: 21 Mar 17:22
Sydney: 22 Mar 04:22
Keywords: Let’s get it started!
“We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we’re curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.” ~ Walt Disney
On March 22nd, we will have our annual New Moon in Aries, and this degree happens to mark the start of the new astrological year. New moon, new ideas and manifestation. Our hero’s journey gets a burst of freshness.
Aries, Cardinal Fire, is the first sign of the zodiac, the Warrior that initiates bold action and takes no prisoners. Ruled by Mars, it wants to take the lead and be first.
The Sun loves it here and feels really special, as Aries encourages it to shine its light and be authentic. The Moon can feel a little uncomfortable in Aries as she wants to feel nurtured and emotionally secure, but the tools she has to do this is to put herself out there with independence and bravery. It can be a delicate balance to be the warrior but not feel selfish or aggressive, yet cut what needs to be cut and sprint off the starting blocks.
And what does the sky advise about this Aries new moon of 2023? As the Aries new moon this year comes just after the Spring Equinox, it really is an important time to find that balance, be assertive, and step boldly into a new dawn. We’ve been setting this up for so long. Lately, especially the previous week, some drama may have come up which was quite frustrating, and may not even make much sense. We still are not entirely sure how to overcome the confusion but deep down we understand and are ready to say our piece. The right actions will come later this week, subtle, not too out there, and our words and thoughts now align with our desire to move. How to do what we planned will reveal itself quickly as we strengthen and maintain our emotional core.
This month really is probably the most important of 2023 as it is so full of big changes, the first hints of what will last a very long time. Our desires are strong and earthy, excitement is in the air, wanting significant change, for something truly good and stable. The road feels open for the first time in a long long time, and our goals seem achievable. So this lunation, it is doubly important to have courage, move forward, to not resume the old bad habits or attachments we’ve dropped, and to not stay stuck in any mud.
Listen for the call and JUMP, Radiantly Alive!
Sabian Symbol Aries 1: A Woman Rises Out Of Water, A Seal is Embracing Her
Thoughts: Something new is breaking though, anything’s possible
Yoga pose to strengthen core: Half Boat or Boat
Instagram: @astrofly_insights
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