Radiantly Alive Yoga

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New Moon in Gemini | June 18

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Los Angeles: 17 June 21:37

New York: 18 June 00:37

London: 18 June 05:37

Sydney: 18 June 14:37


Keywords: Sharing the firelight

“Sometimes in the waves of change, we find our true direction.” - Unknown

On June 18, we will have our annual New Moon in Gemini. It is a great time to level up our social skills and communication style by really sharing what has inspired us as we move through life. Our emotional body is aligned with our spirit as we hear the invitation from the universe to plant new seeds alongside our fellow travelers.Gemini is Mutable Air, the twins, one looking ahead and one looking back. Our hero’s journey here knows that the longest day of the year is almost upon us. What choices will we make here, which road will we take?

And what does the sky advise about this Gemini new moon of 2023? This lunation is ruled by Mercury, also at home in Gemini, a most entertaining and helpful host. He is in his morning star phase, Mercury Prometheus, but about to become invisible. Here we are aligned and intuitive, the mind racing with newideas and visions of the future based on what we have learned. We can convince others - and others may convince us. Ideas can become reality, aided by the friction of Saturn in Pisces, urging us to slow down and notice that words become actions which become manifestation with time. So we choose wisely the words that enter and leave; they will have an impact.

This lunation is also squaring Neptune in Pisces, providing waves of bliss on which we may close our eyesand surf. A nice time for storytelling, stories which inspire us, which help us feel into where our own story has evolved, and what our updated story is today, tomorrow. We must just be careful to discern which part of what we hear or tell is real, and what is relaxing, inspiring fiction. Confusing the two, or losing ourselves in escapism, or magical thinking would not help us on our hero’s journey.

How do we know what’s real? How do we know what to choose? We feel into our values, with the help of Venus in Leo. What do we value about ourselves, where do we feel joyous, generous, appreciated, really seen? There’s synchronicity here as Venus in this spot is preparing for her own retrograde. So observe, what feels like harmony? Heads up, it may change as we re-evaluate over the summer. The universe invites us to make the choice that seems right for now, and allow ourselves space for our heart to say yes or no a bit later.

For now, we inspire and are inspired, Radiantly Alive!

Sabian Symbol Gemini 27: A gypsy emerging from the forest wherein her tribe is encamped.

Gemini rules the lungs, arms, shoulders, wrists, hands, nerves, and the nervous system. As this lunation is square Neptune, it’s good to add some focus to core strength while working on Gemini parts.