New Moon in Virgo | September 15
Los Angeles: September 14 18:39
New York: September 14 21:39
London: September 15 02:39
Sydney: September 15 11:39
Keywords: Step by step
“Much unhappiness has come into the world because of bewilderment and things left unsaid.” — Fyodor Dostoyevsky
On September 15, we will have our annual New Moon in Virgo. It is a time of initiating new energy, seeding intentions, and planning our next move. The moon is not seen, darkness covers the night. Our emotions and our creative vitality are in full alignment. In Virgo, this is a fortnight to honor the natural radiance of the earthly vessel that houses us, to plan for the turning of the season, and to bring our natural vitality into practical service.
And what does the sky advise about this Virgo new moon of 2023? Its ruler Mercury is retrograde, as are Jupiter, Saturn and the outer planets. This tells us that in our immediate, personal world things move ahead with stops and starts, re-evaluating details as we go, while the bigger picture may not seem to be playing out much at all. It can be a waiting game. However Mercury is just about to go direct so clarity will come, flowing in and out, encouraging us to say our piece.
This lunation opposes Neptune, so it may seem that people we are dealing with just aren't making much sense, or we are not making sense to others. It may be that we have to make a choice which seems confusing. We might wish we, or others, had more discipline and better emotional boundaries. What's important is to make sure that from our side, we are clear, have checked and re-checked, and have the right motivation. There's a lot of focus on the earth signs, so our priority is still going to be moving forward and getting things done patiently, forgiving ourselves and others.
We move, inspired, yet grounded, step by step, Radiantly Alive!
Sabian Symbol Virgo 22: A royal coat of arms.
I view this as being about aiming to be the best version of yourself, knowing that you are the latest in a line of tradition that you too will pass on. James Burgess describes it as the responsibility of high office. For there to be a noble lineage, each generation must throw up exemplars of the dignity of the community's highest sense of itself. “High-level responsibility.”
Seated Forward Bend/Fold
Virgo rules the pancreas, small intestine, digestive tract, and the 5 senses.
We all go through doubt. It's hard. Those difficult moments are what build your character.” - Joe Rogan