Golden Ray Activation
With Devi Ma
Golden Ray Activation is a multi-dimensional activation of the Christed Light Frequency, of balanced masculine and feminine energies.
It will expand your consciousness & life force energy, and support the alignment of your Higher Self, soul, and body into the Golden Light of Oneness.
This healing session will activate your chakra system, emotional body, cellular body and mental body, transforming ancestral patterns, limiting belief systems, and 3rd dimensional karmic imprints.
$120 USD | 60 minutes
Multi-dimensional light worker, Reiki master teacher, Shamanic sound healer, Yoga meditation teacher, Breath Work & Women’s empowering workshops/Retreats facilitator, Sacred earth remedies.
Devi Ma is a spiritual aspirant of the yogic and shamanic paths, who has spent the past 20 years in loving service to the awakening of spirituality upon the earth, through holistic healing, yoga, and Self-empowerment workshops and retreats
She spent over a decade living in India with enlightened saints and teachers that supported her in her own healing and spiritual awakening. Devi Ma holds a sacred space of Loving Presence channeling the Masters, Angels and Ancient Ones to support you in remembering your Divine essence and Souls gifts.
Please contact us to make an appointment by clicking the button below.