The Felt Sense And Resource Online

With Nirmoha

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This is an embodied practice for those who feel intense emotions during the challenging times we all face right now. Through tracking the felt sense and resourcing yourself, you will learn to self-regulate the nervous system and regain balance.

Through a process of 'titration', I will guide you to create the space needed for the emotional charge to release with ease. You will learn how to balance your emotions when you feel overwhelmed, and to hold space for yourself within the support of a well-held container.


1 SESSION (60 MINUTES) | $100 USD | 1.400.000 IDR

1 SESSION (75 MINUTES) | $120 USD | 1.680.000 IDR

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Nirmoha is a light worker trained in many healing arenas from body work, trauma resolution, breathwork, light body activation, craniosacral therapy and more. Her passion is for everybody to find the prosperity and peace of mind that supports accelerated spiritual growth.

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Please contact us to make an appointment by clicking the button below.