Moon Magic | Full Moon | Friday | January 29 | 3.18 am (Bali Time)
“You owe it to us all to get on with what you're good at” - W. H. Auden
Happy Full Moon My Dears!
After some chaotic last weeks and months, I hope this full moon will offer you some playfulness. Your assignment today is to put on your favorite golden jewelry, wrap your body in delicate fabrics, put some fancy sunnies on, and sprinkle your life with things, people, and energies that make you feel prickly and shiny, and brave!
Today's full moon in Leo might stimulate you to think about your self-interests, your self-care, your self-worth, your mission, superpowers, and your dreams. The world is ready for you to step into your light.
Be courageous; make what sparks a fire within you your priority. Inspire others by following this strong heart that beats fiercely underneath your chest. The past year has made it more obvious than ever, that our world needs brave leaders. Leo is the ruler of the animal kingdom. Vitality and Leadership come naturally to this archetype. How can you channel those qualities within you? How can you use them for your own, as well as for your community's highest good? Give it thought. We all are leaders... as parents, friends, yoga teachers, siblings; the list goes on and on.
I believe a leader is everyone who dares to guide and serve with a brave spirit. So whenever you find yourself stepping into your role as a leader (when you lead a yoga class or when you give a dear friend good advice) Keep the intention for your action & words at the core of whatever it is you are doing.
With all the experiences that might come up for you around this full moon, ask yourself the following: How did you experience this new moon?
Do I show up to serve or do I show up to put on a show?
When you dig deeper into this question, chances are that you will have a lot to unravel. And believe me, I speak from my own awkward struggle when I say: It is not glamorous, but it's the hard conversation with yourself that's worth having! Facing where you display a neatly shaped facet of yourself, where you are unaligned with your values, where you are not showing up authentically, where you put on a mask as a coping-mechanism... is hard work.
The Archetype Leo is ruled by the sun, the center of our solar system, the king, the ultimate visualization of unity. Fueled by this fire, invoke integrity and follow your heart's calling. Your heart's deepest longing. Your Sankalpa.
What is worth stepping up for and take command? In which areas of your life can you lead small or major things for the better. What is it that you want to animate with genuine fierceness? Find the courage to fully take responsibility for your thoughts, emotions, and actions. Show up for yourself shamelessly, with a radiating love deep within. You'll truly step into your power and become the leader of your life when you begin to take responsibility for your beliefs, actions, and longings. Get in touch with the core of your being. Listen. Show up for it. Roar. Be who you are - We need you!
I cannot think of looping this up better than with the words of the truth rooster:
“Always keep in mind the difference between healthy pride and debilitating hubris
Be dazzlingly and daringly competent without becoming bossy and egomaniacal.
Disappear your arrogance but nourish your mandate to express leadership and serve as a role model.
Be shiny and bright but not glaring and blinding. Be irresistible but not envy-inducing.”
- Rob Brezsny
How are you experiencing this full moon? Can you relate to Saras words? Share with us below 👇🏾🌕
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