New Moon in Cancer | Saturday, July 10 | 09.17 am | Bali Time

New Moon in Cancer | Saturday, July 10 | 09.17 am | Bali Time

"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."

- Maya Angelou

Happy new moon and happy Cancer season!🌚

Before reading any further, ask yourself “How do I feel right now?”. This is your very simple yet incredibly profound journaling prompt for this new moon. This month we learn about the most motherly energy of the zodiac wheel. Cancer represents the home, the moon, and safety. However, it is also the time for a change, the time for growth, the time to leave your shell and evolve into your next version, the you that exists beyond your comfort zone. 

With that being said I want to declare that I am writing this article while cuddling in bed, munching an overdose of chocolate, and listening to cheesy love songs. Since the beginning of this season I felt a huge need to be comforted by friends and food, and every now and then, have a good parade of salty pearls rolling down my cheeks. Here is my personal attempt to interpret the teaching of cancer season. Its energy will peak with today's new moon. 

Cancerian energy is feminine, mothering energy. Your quest is to nourish yourself where you are, and not to exclusively reserve nurturing time as a treat, for some future version that might have it all figured out. Often we believe we need to push through something to achieve anything before we allow ourselves to rest and digest it. At times an energetic drive will bring you places you haven't been before but never ever restrict your resting time when you truly need it. Especially now, where sun and moon (your masculine and your feminine) meet in the archetype of cancer. 

As the headline of today's new moon is 'FEELINGS', we are facing many seemingly conflicting experiences of our humanity.

On one hand, this archetype wants us to split open and teaches us about growing beyond our limitations, and on the other hand, this is a time to soften and have a good cry. So perhaps, if we would strip away the preconceived ideas of what we think "growing" must be, we might be introduced to a completely new understanding and experience of it.

When we begin to lovingly nurse what's slumbering within, under the surface, we will soften into a more expansive version of our already complete self. It’s cancer season baby and thus time to be the most loving mama or papa to your inner child as that you can be. The wild quest here is to not push through the growing pain but instead, tenderly and lovingly lean into them. Since we are dealing with the realm of emotions, this is not as see-through as we would like it to be.

Feelings are messy and multilayered and most importantly, an expression of your body! Every emotion can be traced back to a sensation in your body. This wonderful shell you've been given for one life can be your sacred map to observe the many pathways of emotions with more awareness. If you feel a wave of emotion washing through you, your mind is most likely to be absorbed in the narrative it created around the feeling. Don't try to understand, instead FELL THE FEELING. Take note of where in your body you witness a sudden change and right there, -soften into your experience!!!

Your current experience and your momentary feelings do not define who you are. In order to truly integrate this awareness, we'll need to be open enough, so that different aspects of ourselves, as well as different feelings, are allowed to coexisting within the same moment, the same reality, the same experience. 

"I am large, I contain multitudes."

- Walt Whitman

Softening into the coexistence of all of every feeling that is alive right now, the absence of lethal criticism, and with a big portion of unconditional, motherly love for yourself.

In deep empathy for the many experiences, the unique waves and collective floods that wash through us all,

Sara Grace

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