New Moon in Gemini | Monday, May 30th

New Moon in Gemini | May 30th | 19:30 PM | Bali Time

Gemini Mantra: I communicate

Element: Air

Quality: Mutable

Ruling Planet: Mercury

Are you ready to receive messages from the Universe?

The event that I was waiting for so much, arrived! The new moon in Gemini. It's time to speak our truth. Even if we are still in Mercury Retrograde, this event brings many aspects that motivate us to move forward.

But first, let's talk about what happens at a New Moon. Once a month the sun and the moon align in the same mathematical degree generating the New Moon, a very special moment of the month. It is a period of new beginnings, a time to look forward. When we have more clarity in our minds to know what we really desire.  Perfect to sow a new seed, renew your intentions and express your wishes to the Universe.

This New Moon is ruled by the sign of Gemini, the God Hermes, who comes to give messages to the world. Gemini is a mutable air element sign. His mission is to teach the world the importance of communicating and reconciling ourselves with our duality. To observe if we are listening well and if we are understanding the message we receive. Gemini has an eye on knowledge and creativity. He is one of the funniest signs of the zodiac, the eternal child, they like changes and it is difficult for them to follow a routine. Gemini came to teach us the importance of being and doing different things every day. He is the sign of multiple personalities and talents.

This New Moon occurs in the 9th degree of Gemini, observe where this degree is located in your Natal Chart to see in which area of your life one cycle ends to start another. Despite the Mercury retrograde,, this event gives us a lot of clarity to close stages and see things from a new perspective.

This New Moon in Gemini will bring us:

  • Help to start new projects or make a launch.

  • The ability to seek and apply new ways of thinking.

  • Possibility of feeling very distracted.

  • Conversations, meetings, calls and connections that have a quick start.

  • The opportunity to change our narrative.

  • The desire to speak our truth.

Here are some tips for this New Moon Manifestation:

  • Begin to communicate assertively.

  • Be communicative: See how you’re communicating with the people you love.

  • Meditate: Reflect on your state of mind.

  • Relax your mind.

  • Socialize, go and hang out with your friends.

  • Spend time with your brothers or sisters.

  • Use your voice: Sing, Sing, Sing

The best advice I can give you for this New Moon in Gemini, my sign, is to turn down the volume in your mind and observe that the intentions you ask to the Universe really come from the heart.  Give your voice permission to express what you really want.

I share this playlist with you to sing on this New Moon.

It is time to send clear messages to the Universe!

Happy New Moon in Gemini!  

With Love

Mai Martinez

About the author

Mai Martínez León Valdez is an Angel Therapy Coach, that helps you to connect with your angels and recognize their guidance. She loves to interpret the universe through astrology, reading Natal Charts, and Solar Returns. She is a Meditation Teacher and Certified Rainbow Kids Yoga Teacher. Mai is a bhakta practitioner that loves to guide you through meditation, sound healing, and mantras, to help you to discover your most powerful gift, your voice.

Please reach out to her ( if you feel the call to have a 1-on-1 session with her, either live in person in Bali or online. 

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