Full Moon in Capricorn | 13-14th July

Full Moon in Capricorn | 13-14th July | 14th July 2:37 AM Bali time

Los Angeles: 13 Jul 11:37

New York: 13 Jul 14:37

London: 13 July 19:37

Sydney: 14 Jul 04:37

Full Buck Supermoon, the biggest and brightest of the year

Keyword: Expediency

I trust within and parent myself, calm and brave.

In my body I feel what really matters to me.

I have a schedule, and it makes room for playtime :-)

With graceful agility I navigate change

As hidden structures and secrets are revealed

I slowly pivot towards a new horizon

Inspired by go-getting optimism,

I have faith in a fresh start.

It’ll be worth it.

From July 13th to 14th, depending on your time zone, we will have our annual Full Moon in Capricorn.  Full moons are a time of illumination when the sun’s light gazes from directly across the sky. The reflected light of the moon takes center stage, allowing us to see ourselves. In Capricorn this is a fortnight to trust within, to nurture our inner parent, our inner authority, to feel the emotional strength flow through our physical bodies while overthinking and flowery words take a back seat.

Capricorn, Cardinal Earth, is represented by the nimble sea-goat. The Moon is the planet of emotional security, the lens through which we see the past, how we de-stress. The Moon here loves a goal and is creative, flowing through deep oceans and up rocky mountains. It plots a course through the ebbs and flows of everyday life, elegantly upwards. 

And what does the sky advise this Capricorn full moon of 2022? We’ve been hearing a siren song, calling us to change with the changing times, to be brave, be pro-active. Sure, maybe we’ve felt a little uncertain, maybe we didn’t want to be impulsive. Maybe as kids we had to follow certain rules, be a certain way. Now’s the time to give ourselves that “you got this!” hug. Have faith in ourselves. When we look around, well hey, we’ve actually got some nice options. Let’s pick one or two and explore. As things play out, we’ll soon find out which way the wind is blowing.

We give ourselves permission to pivot!

Sabian Symbol Capricorn 22° A general accepting defeat gracefully

Yoga pose: relax into restriction to flow up the mountain.

“ God grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change,

Courage to change the things I can, and Wisdom to know the difference. ”

― Serenity Prayer

Instagram: @astrofly_insights

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