New Moon in Leo | 28-29 th July

New Moon in Leo | 28-29th July | 1:54 AM Bali Time

Los Angeles: 28 Jul 10:54

New York: 28 Jul 13:54

London: 28 July 18:54

Sydney: 29 Jul 03:54

Out of Bounds Moon

Keyword: Confident

I am energised and vital, generous and creative.

In my body I feel a burst of devil-may-care flair.

Radiantly alive!

With leonine grace, I assert myself

As I prepare to make a decision.

I will be deliberate, when words and thoughts fly like lightning.

As the ground begins to shake,

I value my emotional bonds, yet tempering excess.

When the time comes, I will have the internal courage to leap.

From July 28th to 29th, depending on your time zone, we will have our annual New Moon in Leo. New moons are a time of fresh infusions of energy as we plant seeds and conceive of ideas. The Sun’s light takes centre stage, as the moon rests in darkness, allowing us a view unfettered by past emotions and embedded habits. In Leo this is a fortnight to experience radiance and vitality, to envision our inner crown, to imagine what we might create, seated on our throne.

Leo, Fixed Fire, is represented by the Lion, ruler of the kingdom. The Sun in Leo needs no introduction, as this is the Sun’s natural domain, where it confidently shines its generous light, warm and fresh, on a grateful audience and environment. When the Lion is on their best form, they take the initiative and lead the way, sprinkling their inner joy as they strut through the terrain, ambitious in work and play.

And what does the sky advise this Leo new moon of 2022? We can feel something is brewing. Pressure has built to reinvent ourselves in one area of life where we’d been craving stability. We thought we knew what we valued, and where we were valuable. Yet a slow, relentless change is occurring in what we’d all worked towards, together. Looks like we’re going to have to make some decisions soon. Ideally we see this change as evolution and liberation, rather than as a rude awakening.

This new moon we prepare by really feeling into that vitality and picture ourselves sitting on a throne, laughing generously as we confidently rule our kingdom. There’ll be a call to action, which might be quite sudden and unexpected. Tempers may flare; words may be exchanged. We, however, know to be deliberate and mindful in our words and thoughts, to channel that electric spark productively. We remember what it’s all for after all, and cherish those emotional bonds, that feeling of security, of home.

When the time comes, we’ll have the inner faith to leap forward!

Sabian Symbol Leo 6° :

An old fashioned conservative woman is confronted by an up-to-date girl

Yoga pose:

Roar like a lion!

“ Bring ideas in and entertain them royally, for one of them may be the king.

― Mark Van Doren

Instagram: @astrofly_insights

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